I would suggest those looking for a house or flat visit bestate/b agents in your desired area, which is how we let our house, but beware, the usual period is often for 3 years, occasionally for one. b..../b Our beautiful farmhouse 'La Brasserie ' is available for rental for six - eight months. it is in Normandy, near lovely market town bGavray/b. 4 bedrooms, two sitting rooms,two bathrooms, fully furnished, and sitting in about three acres, in a very peaceful area. ...
In the papers found in his bestate/b, Field Marshal Rommel wrote : It has probably never happened before in modern warfare that an operation of this type was undertaken with so little preparation. On 11 February, I reported to General b.../b
Gavray, - pi?ce de vie avec cuisine équipée, 2 chambres avec salle d'eau et de bain privative. Garage, terrasse et jardin. Accessible aux personnes ? mobilités réduites. - 590,00 ? (3 870,15 f) - réf :038/665 Mes TATARD, LECORDIER et ...